5 Ways To Help Your Child Succeed in IB Program

Do you feel anxious about your child’s school performance during the IB program? Are you trying to be there for them but instead of a constructive aid the result is a pointless argument? Perhaps there are better ways in order to help your child learn and put stress off their shoulders. Let’s look into what these could be and how to easily implement them 😉 

1. Teach Organizational Skills

When kids are organized, they can stay focused instead of spending time hunting things down and getting sidetracked. We, as parents, often think that the older our kids are the more responsibility they should have. That is very true, however with poor organizational skills it’s hard to practice responsibility. Teach your kids about to-do lists and personal planning, give them tips for apps you personally use for your work life or ways how your employer divides and guides task at work. No one is born with great organizational skills — they need to be taught and repeated.

2. Demonstrate a Positive Attitude

Actions speak louder than words. What we say and do in our daily lives have the potential to develop long lasting positive attitudes toward school. This in return allows for building confidence and progressing in the learning curve. Showing our children that we both value education and use it in our daily lives provides them with powerful models and contributes greatly to their success in school. In addition, by showing interest in their children’s education, parents and families can spark enthusiasm towards learning. This leads them to a very important understanding-that learning can be as enjoyable as rewarding and is well worth the effort required.

3. Make Time To Talk About School

Discussing the whole school week with your kids while eating Sunday lunch is a very common occurrence among many families. However, this often leads to arguments, bad mood at the table and reluctancy from kids to be open about their problems at school. Be more present and schedule dedicated time to talk to your kids about how they are doing. This doesn’t need to be in a formal setting, rather discuss school when walking with a dog or in a relaxed environment of their room. In relaxed one-on-one conversations they are more likely to be open about their struggles which can give you much better insight about the ways you can participate in their studies and help them achieve exceptional IB program results.

4. Encourage Library Use

Libraries are places of learning and discovery for everyone. Helping your child find out about libraries will set them on the road to being an independent learner. Remember that libraries also offer a quiet place for students to complete homework, and are often open in the evening. They also provide your child with a better learning environment than the comfortableness of their room does. Let’s just be frank about how many times you have decided to take a nap when you used to study in your room during your high-school years. We’ve all been there.

5. Offer Active Help

More often than not talking with your children about how they are doing and giving them tips and tricks from your own reservoir of weapons might not be enough. Finding some time in the evening to actively help your child to study might be a great educational and bonding experience at the same time. Quizzing their knowledge, solving math problems or helping with English essays are all great ways how to actively help while getting in some valuable time with your child.

However, if your schedule is extremely packed or you don’t feel confident enough to valuably help, we are here for you. Think Smart is connecting past IB students, who have came through all of this with present IB students who will greatly benefit from the older IB peers. You can learn more about our tutoring services on our home page and if you already want to sign-up yourself and your child then you can do so here.


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